
Posts Tagged ‘Shells’

Smack dab in the middle of downtown Venice, Florida is a store I love – Sea Pleasures & Treasures. It’s packed with shells, shark teeth, beach toys, pool necessities and plenty of kitsch. And I’d be willing to bet the inventory hasn’t changed much in 25 years.

We traveled to Venice many, many times when I was in school. It holds some of my fondest memories. A break from the cold Michigan weather, my family all in good spirits and many laughs with our friends the Feldkamps.  We all took several trips to Sea Pleasures & Treasures to pick out a shell or plastic alligator.

Now I take my husband and daughter to visit.  We see my parents, go to the beach…you get the idea.  But I can’t go without a stop at my favorite beach shop.  Its so satisfying to find it preserved in real life as it is in my memory.

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

Venice, Florida - Alesya Bags

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