
Posts Tagged ‘risk’

There are two things going on with Alesya Bags causing a pit to form in the bottom of my stomach.  You know, that feeling of worry?  It’s kind of like a pain more really more like an ache.

I haven’t heard from my contact in China for the last four days.  Now, this has happened before.  What it usually means is she’s at the factory where they don’t have internet access.  But its such a critical time during production its got me worried.

Secondly, I’m writing a lot of checks.  I knew this was coming, but watching the money go out is certainly a different feeling.  It’s a feeling of real risk.

If I was talking to someone else right now I’d say “But you have to take a risk!  If you don’t take a risk you can never get the reward!”  I believe that.  Now I have to but my money where my mouth is.


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On Friday, I got my first order contract from China.  What a big deal!  There it was in black and white.  An order for hundreds of bags.  A picture of the final product.  A place for me to sign.

Of course, since this is America, I sent it over to my attorney for her to review.  She called me last night to make sure I didn’t want her to draft a 75-page master services agreement.  As all you other entrepreneurs out there might have guessed, I don’t.

I want to get going.  To take this risk.  To see if this works!

Now, when the bags don’t come in and I’m SOL, you can tell me I told you so.  But until then, its full steam ahead.

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Jaz-Z: A man who takes risks. Seems to have worked out OK for him.

As you read earlier this week, I was mad I wasn’t taking enough risk.  Before our weekly meeting I sent my coach, Jackie, a list of things I wanted to discuss and that risk issue had stars and lighting bolts around it.  In return Jackie wrote back:

I suggest we cross #2, #3 and #4 off our list first tonight in coaching so you can have the space to think BIG. Empire BIG. Like, Empire State of Mind Jay-Z Nearly a Billionaire BIG.

Excellent.  She got it.  I played the song a few times.  Once I sat in my desk and watched the video.  Then I got up, danced around, did air punches.  It felt good.

One of my other issues was I didn’t feel like this blog was visual enough.  Most of my favorite blogs are very visual.  The subject lends itself towards that or the person is a photographer, designer, etc..  This lead Jackie to ask me:

“What is your strength?”

“Um…well my strength is finding all the right pieces and putting them together to complete the vision,”  I replied.

“And what parts and pieces are missing from the blog?”

“I don’t know…” I lamented.

Jackie tried a different angle, “Where do you see this empire in the future?  What are you talking about on the blog then?”

Easily I started rattling things off, “I’m writing about the next bags, the latest person to carry a bag and how they wore it, the women’s organization we are helping and the bags we gave them, the redo of our office lobby, the awesome people who work here and the promotions they get, my lunch last week with Martha Stewart…”

I was out of breath.  “Well, why not put all the in the blog?” Jackie questioned.

“Because it hasn’t happened yet.” I said matter-of-factly.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I actually had to fall back in my seat.  “Jackie!” I shouted, “THIS is the big risk!  Putting my goals out there!  Thinking big out loud!”

Jackie had a smile on her face I could see through the phone.  “WOW.”  she replied, “That IS it.  I got chills.”  We were both thrilled with the breakthrough.

“Now, you can dare to say it out loud.  You have permission.  You will get there faster by putting it out there.  This means you don’t have to be afraid.”  Jackie easily listed all the fabulous things that would happen by taking this risk.

This.  Is.  Huge.

Now I’m ready.  Ready for my “if you build it, he will come” moments.  Ready for the risk.  Ready for the reward.

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I’m having trouble taking risks and its really starting to piss me off. In my old career, I was always challenging people to be bold. Do something – anything! – different. Go there. Avoid the ho-hum at all costs.

Oh, yeah. Putting a picture of Tom Cruise on a Risky Business blog post is SO risky. Geesh.

Now look at me. I’ve got a nice little blog and a nice little Twitter account and a nice little Facebook page. I don’t see anyone lining up to give me an award anytime soon for my efforts. Nor should they! Right now, I’m marketing to the middle.

I’m not exactly sure what’s stopping me. Fear of failure? Worried what other people will think? Out of creative juices? Concerned there will be a major motion picture made about my crazy behind-the-scenes antics? Who knows. Maybe all of the above. (Well, except for the movie part.)

I’ve set the ground work, now its time to put my money where my marketing mouth is.  How?  Good damn question.

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