
Posts Tagged ‘Monica Barnett’

I love getting the dirt.  Besides having a wonderful time at Lavish! this weekend, we got a lot of insider information.  Here’s my take on it:

1. James Andrews kicked off the conference by telling us a lot of marketers are lazy.  (Don’t be lazy!)  Also, big brands are not sure what do with those of us in disruptive media.  If you want to work with your favorite brand, reach out to them!  They are trying to figure out how to work with you too.

2.  Starting a blog?  Wanting to get more traffic?  Don’t go to the mattresses, go to the bloggers.  Talk to them on Twitter.  Fan them on Facebook.  COMMENT on their blog.

These folks are the influencers online.  They will look at your blog.  Help you if asked.  Be interested in your content – if its good, of course.  Find bloggers in your area of interest and stat with them first.  It will give you a great network of resources.

3. Are you tired?  Not sleeping?  Working a day job and doing your blog on the weekends?  You are not alone.  There was a lot of talk about this at the conference.  Speaking of which…

4. Monica Barnett taught us a new word for those of you really workin’ it.  Grime + Hustle = Grustle   Use it.  Love it.  Get your grustle on.

5. If you want/need your information on broadcast television it needs to work for the masses.  Brian Patrick Flynn, who partners with HGTV.com, told us to be sure your content works as well in NYC as Dallas and in a big city or a small town.  It needs to be very relatable for many different people.  Think the opposite of a niche blog.

6. Tami Hardeman taught us if you want to great food pictures, you can’t go wrong with awesome natural light (find the best place in your and take your food there) and a white on white background.  Also, a great start to a food styling kit includes q-tips, tweezers, vegetable oil, a squeeze bottle and small paint brushes.

7.  Need to practice your food shots?  Do so with ingredients.  Hannah Queen (who is just as charming as her blog, BTW) told us this is the best way to practice.  ingredients won’t get cold, fall apart, change, etc.

Tami Hardeman's Food Styling Kig

8. The first editor of Daily Candy, Jeralyn Gerba has just left the publication to start Fathom – a one stop website for travel information.  I’d sign up now.

9. The team at Rue (an online magazine) told us they are already debt free and only on their second issue.  Print media, take note.  Could you say the same thing?

10. The Princess of Prep,  Melissa C. Morris, has been offered several reality shows.  Follow her blog to find out why.  Also, her dog is more famous than Dan Rather.

11. Seasoned journalist Julia Reed,  fromerly of Newsweek and Vogue – now at Taigan, reminded us that writing about a buscuit is not interesting.  Its what happened to you and that biscuit that makes it ineresting.  Writers – don’t forget to write YOUR story.  That’s what people want to hear.

12.  I’d always wondered why I love design*sponge so much.  I enjoy interior design, but its not an obsession like it is for a lot of folks.  During this conference I got my answer.

It’s Grace Bonney.  She is smart as a whip. Engaging.  Challenging.  A visionary.  And she’s knows how to get stuff done.  Even better – she’s willing to teach you how to get stuff done too!  MAKE SURE to check out Biz Ladies tomorrow for her Lavish! presentation.  You can thank me later.

Note to big companies – she does consulting.  Call her.  Pay her.  Reap BIG benefits.

Julia Reed - Note her beautiful green ring

13. Shameeka Ayers – aka the Broke Socialite – told us the next big wave on the Web will be taking your online relationships offline.  After this conference, I couldn’t agree more.  Go to tweet-ups.  Attend conferences.  Engage OFFLINE.  It’s how you’ll form relationships that go the distance.

14.  Ginny Branch Stelling of My Favorite Color is Shiny fame is not one of those artistic people you can’t talk to.  She’s actually really, really nice.  If you can find a way to work with her I know it would enhance your business.

15.  The most tweeted about session was “SPILL IT: All My Best Blogging Tricks Of The Trade” – check out the info on Design Blahg and Sketch 42.

That’s my list.  Lavish peeps – what did I forget?  Would love to hear your insider info too.

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